Looking For Infomations on Bali For Your Trip???

...Om Swastiastu... (wishing "Hello" in Balinese)

Feel free to read on as we share you friends out there all about Bali. Places MUST-go, MUST-do, MUST-eat and all the MUST-ses... We will try to provide you as much infos from scratch ie booking of flights, looking for hotels and even suggest you your itinery for your stay in Bali!

First hand reviews on "What/Where/Who/How" from your lovely couple, Hamdan(Hann) & Firda.

About Love In Bali

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Writing this blog are Husband(Singaporean) & Wife(Balinese). We are free to attend any enquiries on this blogsite. Or if you are shy, drop us a mail lurveinbali@gmail.com ...Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om... (wishing "Goodbye" in Balinese)

Apr 4, 2010

Kuta & Legian

Kuta and Legian are all about shopping, the sun, the sand, the sea and the beach. Not forgetting the thrills of surfing on surfboard.

To those shopping freaks, air-conditioned malls like Matahari Central Kuta and Centro (some call it Discovery Shopping Mall) are two nearest malls in Kuta area. Likewise for those who likes to bargain for your purchase stuffs, just walk in circles and into lanes of markets in Kuta and Legian.

Or to those lazy ones, you may just lie down on the beach and peddlers of all sorts will come to you like bees. =)

Travel by foot, taxi, horse-carriage or motor-taxi is available all around Kuta. My recommendation is taking the taxi because its initial charge starts at RP5000 and the meter moves VERY slowly. Worth your penny!

Centro or Discovery

Kuta or Legian markets

Beach peddlers


Chill on the beach. Rent the relax-bed on the beach per hourly basis. Or just bring a towel and lay on the sands.

Learn to surf (the beach boys who rent out the surfboard will teach & accompany you. Or try to find my friend,James!), or just pose with a surfboard!

Sunset by the beach. It's a spectacular view after a fun day by the beach. You will be mesmerize!

Ohh yes, there are food & drinks peddlers along the beach. Don't forget to try the famous "Nasi Volcom" !! If you worry about cleanliness, there is a food court, pizza hut, MacDonald and mini-marts nearby.

If you walk around Legian, you won't miss the Bali Bombing Memorial.

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