Looking For Infomations on Bali For Your Trip???

...Om Swastiastu... (wishing "Hello" in Balinese)

Feel free to read on as we share you friends out there all about Bali. Places MUST-go, MUST-do, MUST-eat and all the MUST-ses... We will try to provide you as much infos from scratch ie booking of flights, looking for hotels and even suggest you your itinery for your stay in Bali!

First hand reviews on "What/Where/Who/How" from your lovely couple, Hamdan(Hann) & Firda.

About Love In Bali

My photo
Writing this blog are Husband(Singaporean) & Wife(Balinese). We are free to attend any enquiries on this blogsite. Or if you are shy, drop us a mail lurveinbali@gmail.com ...Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om... (wishing "Goodbye" in Balinese)

Apr 20, 2010

Bali Friends

From left to right : Pak Jony & Bli Gede

PT Surya Chandra Dewata

- located at Kuta beach beside Dunkin Donut near McDonalds.
- look out our two trusted friends, Pak Jony or Bli Gede who works at the travel information counter. They may plan your itinery for your daily trips. Each whole day trips priced at range of RP400,000 - RP600,000.
- bargain for price packages by quoting my name!

Money Changer?
- at PT Surya Chandra Dewata, the boss Ibu Soya, do give good currency rate
- she even provide service by delivering your exchange currency to your hotel doorstep
- another alternative for good currency rates is at PT Central Kuta.
- TIPS : do change your currency at "No Comission" money changer ONLY!

Useful Contact Numbers : Pak Jony January +6281336592909

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