Looking For Infomations on Bali For Your Trip???

...Om Swastiastu... (wishing "Hello" in Balinese)

Feel free to read on as we share you friends out there all about Bali. Places MUST-go, MUST-do, MUST-eat and all the MUST-ses... We will try to provide you as much infos from scratch ie booking of flights, looking for hotels and even suggest you your itinery for your stay in Bali!

First hand reviews on "What/Where/Who/How" from your lovely couple, Hamdan(Hann) & Firda.

About Love In Bali

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Writing this blog are Husband(Singaporean) & Wife(Balinese). We are free to attend any enquiries on this blogsite. Or if you are shy, drop us a mail lurveinbali@gmail.com ...Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om... (wishing "Goodbye" in Balinese)

Apr 4, 2010

Tanah Lot Tour

Another must-go place to visit in Bali. A pura (temple) surrounded by the ocean waters. Do visit this place two hours before sunset. The waters will be low tide and you can roam around near the temple. Admission charges apply.

Your day tour itinery to Tanah Lot may include visiting Taman Ayun and Alas Kedaton (Monkey Forest).

In Taman Ayun,
- Hindu's temples encircled by fish ponds
- beautiful temple buildings rich with its religous story and heritages from the Mengwi Empire

In Alas Kedaton,
- a temple surrounded by small forest infested with tame monkeys and big bats overhanging on trees

Tanah Lot
shop for souveneirs


holy snake

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